Crude Units

NEW Crude Unit Processing Change After 50 Years

TTC has made the Crude Unit more profitable and efficient.

For the first time since metal structured packing was introduced into the refining industry, TTC has introduced a new technology and thinking for how crude units should operate. The proven Black Plasma™ technology has been in operation in refineries around the World for over 7 years and has proven to significantly increase the capacity and profitability of crude units.

TTC is a revamp process design specialty company. We are not interested in selling you expensive engineering designs. We are process engineers. Our goal is to improve the performance and profitability of your existing crude unit in the most economical way. Our process engineers can optimize a revamp for each of the major sections of your existing Crude Unit: Heat ExchangersAtmospheric columns and Vacuum columns.

We prefer to do a total Crude Unit revamp to optimized temperatures, flows and pressures to maximize your performance, capacity and dependability. TTC can provide unique technologies and processes for each of your individual Crude Unit components.

More Profit – Less CapEx

Over the last 20 years the process engineers at TTC Labs have developed and Patented their Crude Unit processes to deliver low CapEx crude unit revamps. These unique processes are the result of creative thinking by our team of experienced Crude Unit engineers that yield remarkable improvements in your existing crude unit. Most TTC revamps pay for themselves in less than one year including any royalty cost! (see Case Studies)

Vacuum Column

The TTC Patented and Proprietary Black Plasma™ process is the first significant change in the process design used in Vacuum Columns in over 30 years. A TTC revamp with the Black Plasma™ process delivers amazing results that create added yields and profit for your refinery.

    • 13 to 18% increased capacity yield
    • 1250F cut point for HVGO
    • 8 to 15% increased HVGO product to the CAT
    • 70% less resid in the FCC feed
    • 99% less coking in the wash bed

The increased VCU capacity and a cleaner feed to the FCC along with virtually eliminating coking in the VCU creates longer turn around intervals making the Black Plasma™ a remarkable proven improvement in refinery technology.

Pre Heat Train

Reduced Heat Exchanger fouling is a key to maximizing the Crude Unit performance. TTC’s “Terminal Velocity Process” is able to maximize the heat transfer results of your pre heat train without costly shut downs due to fouling of the exchangers. The proper engineering of the pre heat train is one of the most difficult to accomplish because of the pump arounds.


    • 15% to 20% Increased Heat Transfer
    • 98% Reduced Tube Fouling
    • 20% Lower Heater Duty
    • Eliminate Exchanger Cleaning For Over 6 years
    • Usually No Pump Replacement is Required

By using the Terminal Velocity process we are able to balance the flows and temperatures with the viscosity of the oil to eliminate tube fouling. Heat Transfer yield is increased while lowering heater duty requirements. This can usually be accomplished with your existing pumps and shells. Terminal Velocity exchangers have been running for over 7 years with no signs of fouling.

Atmospheric Column

TTC’s proprietary process design for trays located above the flash zone and our enhanced tray design for the remaining column produces an enormous benefit for your Atmospheric Column.

    • Maximized diesel recovery
    • Less diesel in the feed to the VCU
    • 50% less AGO in the feed to the VCU
    • 90% less column wall corrosion

Depending on the design and condition of your Atmospheric column a TTC revamp has a low CapEx in addition to improved product yield. A revamp usually pays for itself in less than a year with the additional diesel production. Reduced coking extends turn around intervals and eliminates costly shut down time while producing a superior feed to the Vacuum Column and increases diesel output.

Contact us now to set up a meeting to learn about our remarkable Crude Unit technologies. A crude unit feasibility study will show you how much more profit and yield you can gain with a TTC Crude Unit Revamp.
