Onsite Services

The best value in the refining industry is to have TTC engineers make an inspection field trip to your refinery for 2 or 3 days and meet with your engineers.


Let us review your process flows and designs along with your equipment to find the best way to resolve your refinery problems and bottlenecks. We will provide you with an analysis of your refinery’s operation and your design options along with a plan of action to resolve your problems and optimize your operation.

TTC Labs process engineers are scientists who design new and improved methods to extract every last usable molecule from oil in the refining process. Our engineers average 35 years of experience solving every conceivable problem a refinery faces. We work with your engineers in creative brainstorming sessions to determine the most efficient and cost effective way to resolve your problems. (see Our Experts)


Refiners are usually busy fixing the complex elements of a refinery and often don’t have time for creative thinking, designing and finding better ways to increase yields, performance and profits at their refineries. That’s what our engineers do best. We work with your engineers and management to find new flow schemes and process designs to Optimize your refineries performance and yield results. (see Case Studies)

Design Reviews and Performance Evaluations

TTC is regularly engaged to review designs of engineering firms for our clients. Often we are able to find cost saving adjustments and design flaws in these designs that save our clients millions of dollars because the design can be revised before approval. A European refiner had us review a $100 million revamp design, we were able to solve their processing problem with a revamp design of only $3 million.(see Our Case Studies)

Our Computer Model Simulations are highly detailed and show the significant improvements in Profit Margins and Refinery Capacity we can provide before the project starts. We publish the entire printed report so the results are available. These proprietary simulations show the results for performances that are guaranteed by TTC. Our customized simulation models and thermodynamics calculations have consistently proven to be more accurate than other simulation models in the industry.

Training schools and Education for Engineers, Managers and Operators

Refinery processes are complex and the people who manage and operate these systems can have a major effect on the yields and performance of the refinery. Refineries are surprised and impressed by the performance benefits they obtain after one of our education seminar. A refinery’s success is dependent upon the consistent performance of a well-trained staff of engineers and operators. Our seminars often lead to new concepts and ideas that solve problems and increase performance. (see Our Case Studies)

TTC provides onsite Process School training sessions in:

  • Crude/Vacuum Units
  • Reformers
  • Aromatic’s Extraction Units
  • Para Xyleen Process Units
  • Hydrotreaters
  • Fractionation
Cat Cracker (FCC) – Coker – Hydrotreaters – Hydrocracker

The TTC engineer team has extensive years of experience in all of these areas that will deliver superior results in a very cost effective manner. Our engineers regularly deliver Optimization, Revamp Designs, Start-ups, Grass Root Designs and Debottlenecking designs for virtually every operation in your refinery. (see Our Experts)

Contact us today to set up a meeting to learn how TTC Labs engineers can make significant improvements in your refinery. Our Troubleshooting, Optimization Studies, Design Reviews and Education programs are the best and easiest way for you to deliver new technology and creative thinking for the operation of your refinery.
