Area Operations Manager
Jim Alexander
2 years San Angelo State University
2 years US Army
52 years experience in the Petrochemical Industry
Alon Refinery – 42 years
Consultant – 1 year
At Fina/Alon Refinery in Big Spring, Texas, worked as a refinery operator for 18 years, was promoted to the Training Department for 3 years and then became a shift supervisor for 3 years. Promoted to operations superintendent and remained in this position for 18 years. Responsibilities included the Crude Unit, PDA, Naphtha Hydrotreater, Reformer, Gas Oil Hydrotreater (mild hydrocracker), Ultra Low Suldur Diesel , LDH, Aromatics Extraction Unit, SLE, Sulfur Recovery Unit and Scot, and the SWS. After retirement, continued at Alon as a consultant who relieved the refinery operations manager and as an Operations/Training Auditor for TTC.